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The Steel Pier has provided joyful memories for Atlantic City residents and visitors alike for decades. It has also been a first employer in the lives of the community's youngest populations and has had a tremendous opportunity to influence their development and still does. Since our M.O. is to deliver our therapeutic stuff at the fun-filled, exciting events that attract kids - what could be more fun than a trip to the Steel Pier and what could be more therapeutic than creating hope and inspiration?


The visit will certainly include free rides for the kids and a tasty lunch. It will also include a thoughtful program that showcases the various options of what could potentially be a first employment experience. The children may see it as an early job offer under certain conditions. They may see it as hope that change is within reach. They may see it as a reason to be resilient. It will be a look into the future and a ray of sunshine upon it.


On top of that, what could be more valuable than to also learn about great activities that can help motivate and inspire strength between now and then, like one of the programs at the Boys and Girls Club of Atlantic City or yoga at The Leadership Studio or something offered by the Atlantic City Arts Foundation - or how about all three? The program will include partners from local organizations that have something to offer the guests of honor.

The Steel Pier has graciously initiated this program as part of their commitment to assisting Recovery Force in its efforts to reduce substance use and mental health disorders among Atlantic City's children. In addition to this, the Steel Pier makes the park available for free to all Atlantic City kids and adults every year through nine designated days. 

Recovery Force is busy working with the Brown's Park community preparing the children for the June Steel Pier visit and "what am I going to wear" is a first consideration. This is a day for these kids to feel great and looking great is a big part of making that happen. Recovery Force's collection of Easter Outfit donations was for this occasion. We currently have outfits for about one-third of the attendees and need donations of outfits or funds to purchase an outfit. Outfits will be purchased by Recovery Force and provided to the child a week prior to the Steel Pier event. 

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